Mrs A Davis
Spiritual Council Leader
At St. Mary’s we have a Spiritual Council which is made up of children from all of the different religions that we have in school and so is a multi-faith representation.
To be a member of the Spiritual Council is to follow 'the call to serve'.
As a dedicated member of the Spiritual Council, we follow a vocation to serve others and lead them in faith. Our jobs are to:
- Strengthen the faith of our school;
- Lead in class prayer and collective worship;
- Be an example of Christ’s teaching to others;
- Follow the Gospel values;
- To represent all different types of religion in the school;
- Meet regularly to develop the collective worship within our school;
- Disseminate messages to our houses and classmates;
- Attend our places of worship to develop our own faith every week;
- Be living examples of our mission statement.
We meet regularly and discuss the spiritual life of school and feedback to our classes and house groups about what we have discussed and changes that we have decided to make. We also consult our classmates on their thoughts and feelings regarding spirituality in school.