
Marian devotions

Every year band is split into two classes and each class is dedicated to a particular title of Mary.  Each class has a class mass, often coinciding with the feast day of their Marian devotion.
Below is a Litany to Mary which, in addition to our unique school prayer, is said by the children regularly, especially during the months of May and October.

Mary, Mother and patron of our school, we ask your protection and love as we honour your most Holy Name.

Our Lady of the Annunciation                                                                    

Pray for us.

Our Lady of the most Holy Rosary                                                            

Pray for us

Queen of Peace                                                                                           

Pray for us

Our Lady of Knock                                                                                           

Pray for us

Our Lady of Fatima                                                                                         

Pray for us

Our Lady of Guadalupe                                                                                 

Pray for us

Queen of Heaven                                                                                            

Pray for us

Our Lady of Good Counsel                                                                           

Pray for us

Our Lady of the Assumption                                                                       

Pray for us

Our Lady of Lourdes                                                                                       

Pray for us

Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception                                               

Pray for us

 O Mary,  conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen.